Unconventional by Nature

Hawthorne Valley Association
#BYO Columbia County campaign The Farm Store excited to announce they are partnering with Columbia County Reduces Waste (CCRW) on their BYO Initiative! Customers are welcome to bring their own mugs and water bottles to purchase beverages at the Farm Store. To kick off this initiative, CCRW is offering the public a chance to win a $50 gift card to the Bartlett House. The rules are simple: bring your own reusables to a participating Columbia County eatery or store (click here for the list) and share a photo of your mug or container on Instagram or Facebook with #CCRW-BYO (make sure you're post settings are public). The user with the most posts after two months will win. We are grateful to CCRW for organizing this initiative for the community. Together, we can reduce single-use waste in our county. If you have any questions related to BYO at the Farm Store, please contact Jeremy Laurange, Director of Retail. To learn more about Columbia County Reduces Waste and the BYO Initiative in general, please contact Jill Berman.